RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard
- Earn up to 1.5% cash back on your spending, with no limit on the cash back you can earn
- Link your card and instantly save 3¢/L on fuel and always earn 20% more Petro-Points at Petro-Canada
- Earn more Be Well points at Rexall – Get 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall
- Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription from DoorDash – a value of almost $120
- Your RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard keeps you connected with access to over 1 million Wi-Fi hotspots around the world with Boingo Wi-Fi for Mastercard Cardholders – register today at mastercard.boingo.com
- Get premium insurance coverage with rental car insurance and protection for your eligible purchases
- Refer to RBC page for up to date offer terms and conditions
- Annual Fee
- $99
- Intro Rate
- N/A
- Ongoing APR
- 20.99%